Monday, March 15, 2010

Sick or Obsessed? I have been laying in bed for the last few days with strep throat. I wasn't going to mention it, but I realized halfway through my sickness that I missed my weekly blog. Darn it! Since realizing this fact, I have had many different ideas about what to write. I was going to write about the root of my fat; however, that is a long, long sad story. I then thought about gifts and the motives behind them, which I will write about soon, but then I was inspired to take a different route. It all began the second day of my sickness. There was a bright, friendly sun shining on the scale that morning. As I stepped on to my companion piece I truly believe I heard Angels and birds in harmony together as I saw 283. I was elated. Leave it to sickness to help me break my little slow down. Now I should have, at that point, chalked it up to the fact that I was too weak to eat or drink anything, but instead I decided to jump on the happiness bandwagon. I mean, it was all freakin' around me. Fast forward two days. I stepped onto the scale that morning hopeful to be in the 270's. I knew it was asking a lot...3 pounds in two days...and as I stepped onto the scale (holding my stomach so that I could see the deity that was the digital display) I looked in horror to find 292. Seriously?!? How could this happen?!? I know, I know.... the meds both named water retention in the information pamphlet, I had basically been starving myself via mother nature's strep-throat-conspiracy. The big problem here is that weighing myself is making me become this paranoid, scale-watching teenager who needs to drop one more pound to make the cheer squad. I constantly have to remind myself that this is a journey, and like all journeys there will be hills and valleys. There is a fine line between level headed direction and obsession. There are times when I become obsessed and that is when it's important to have someone that will notice the onset of obsessive behavior and remind you that this is for life, it's not a quick fix. I am renewed knowing that although my body is in flux from being sick, I will continue with my diet and exercise plan and I will see the results on the scale. The one thing I don't want to become is the person who thinks back on their life and the only anecdote they have to tell is about walking to school and back, uphill both ways, in the snow. In my anecdote there will be a downhill, or at least a downsize. I don't walk to school anyway. I'm an adult damn it. I have a car. (290)

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