Friday, March 5, 2010

Trying not to be psychotic!

Okay, so I must start out by saying that this post is not meant to offend anyone who suffers from, or know someone who is suffering from any type of mental disorder, but I do believe there is a psychosis involved in being fat. With that being said, I am doing my damnedest not to go crazy again, and when I say crazy I mean "Do not do this! You know you can't do this! Damn it, I deserve it, so I'm going to do it!" crazy. For example, I know that drinking alcohol is not looked at in a positive way when dieting, actually there is science to back that notion up, but I thought to myself that since I love to go to the bar and hang out with the regulars, and since I have been doing well for over a month, I could go and enjoy myself while watching my caloric intake. This is exactly why I have had problems with my weight for so long. Notice the long conversation I had to have with myself in order to give myself an excuse for blowing off my diet for a night. It must be said that I did drink within my daily calories, and I only had five drinks. Here is where my psychosis traps me... I was 293 the night I went out (Saturday), and it took me five days to get back to that number. I don't know if it was the alcohol, or maybe my natural womanly cycle which caused this problem, but I don't care. It was a message to me that this can't continue. I have done this type of thing in the past. I started my first try at weight loss with a company that rhymes with schweight schwatchers. I did well on that program by losing 30 lbs, but once I realized I could do it I stopped doing it. It's like when my mom would take antidepressants when I was a kid. She would change into this loving, level, healthy mom, but then she would tell herself that she was so well she didn't need the drugs anymore; at that point she would revert back to the mom that I knew on a daily basis. I do that with diets. I start losing weight and then I go back to things that aren't good for me. The difference is that this time I won't allow myself to be enticed by the thought of going out with the girls for drinks until I am at a more manageable weight. I won't say that I will never give in to things I want to do because this whole journey is taking place so that I can do just that, and I want to make a life change and that means that I will give in sometimes, but if you're at the bar and you see me lifting that Absolut Blue Monster to my lips just stop me and say, " look great...what have you been doing?". Hopefully at that point I will put the drink down and order a water! (290)

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